Saturday, December 20, 2008

Citizens of Oxus

Welcome to Citizens of Oxus. You may know us from our Facebook group or may have been referred here by one of our network of similarly minded friends. Whatever the case, we hope you enjoy the content here and do come back another day or sign up for our rss feed.

This blog is primarily concerned with the subject area of recruitment in China. At Oxus we have a VERY holistic approach to the subject that spans the employee life cycle from unemployment through attraction, recruitment, engagement, retention and back to unemployment.

It is a cyclical journey that all of us take and one that we hope to better understand in order that those who are responsible for this very vital aspect of any business are better prepared to make it smooth and efficient for all concerned - after all, getting this wrong is no good for either the employer or the employee.

The contributors to this blog all work at Oxus China ( and we post on a range of topics from Employer Branding and Recruitment Strategy to technological applications such as information management and candidate screening tools.

We are interested inthe media as a whole from a recruitment perspective, especially in the impact that social networking sites and "web 2.0" in general is having on recruitment. Oxus looks to help its clients also better leverage their own assets in this area, whatever they may be.

The subject area is pretty unique and may not be everyone's cup of tea but if this is your game, your career or simply "mission critical" to your business then do read on, post comments and raise questions as you please.

A final note: This blog will be bi-lingual. Where time and resources permit we will post in English and Chinese but most often it will be just one or the other.

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